Toyota Yaris Hybrid

What a super experience ! We picked up the car from its parking place unde the trees at Quinconces and after reading the instructions and eventually working out that I had to use the machine to get the keys that you do not need and do not use to start the car, the car started, it said "READY" and we moved silently out into the traffic.

Very easy to drive. Very quiet. Very smooth. Very hi-tech. We zoomed happily up the motorway to Cavignac, where I had one minor hiccup when I decided to park at the side of the road, looked around to ensure no one was coming and then depressed the clutch to manoeuvre.

There is no clutch.
My left foot had depressed the brake, and we stopped short.

A quick explanation to the somewhat perturbed family, we parked and all was well.

The return journey was without incident apart from traffic jams, where being in an automatic was just splendid.

Thanks, Autocool!


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