French people say that they are no good at languages
but they're MUCH better than the English !
1) Yesterday in LIDL I thought I heard the cashier say "Sorry".
I said "Vous avez dit 'sorry' ?"
She said "No, but we can speak English if you like..."
Me: "Non, ça va merci, mais vous êtes forte en anglais."
She: "Not really. I cope, that's all."
2) French radio plays loads of stuff in English, Italian, German, Portuguese, Spanish, you name it.
One popular guy at the moment is Charlie Winston who's English and lives in Paris. He's popular for his songs "Like a hobo from a broken home" and "My life as a duck." He never made it in England then decided to move to France where his career took off. He says that in England you have to be boy band material - late teens, early twenties - and for a thirty-something like him it's too late. But here in France a thirty-something Englishman can hit the heights.
1) Yesterday in LIDL I thought I heard the cashier say "Sorry".
I said "Vous avez dit 'sorry' ?"
She said "No, but we can speak English if you like..."
Me: "Non, ça va merci, mais vous êtes forte en anglais."
She: "Not really. I cope, that's all."
2) French radio plays loads of stuff in English, Italian, German, Portuguese, Spanish, you name it.
One popular guy at the moment is Charlie Winston who's English and lives in Paris. He's popular for his songs "Like a hobo from a broken home" and "My life as a duck." He never made it in England then decided to move to France where his career took off. He says that in England you have to be boy band material - late teens, early twenties - and for a thirty-something like him it's too late. But here in France a thirty-something Englishman can hit the heights.