Baptised from above and below

One of the students is going to be baptised tomorrow in the pool at the château. We're a bit twitchy about the weather.

Today, for example, I went into Bordeaux after lunch wearing my cotton jacket and thinking how nice and warm it was in the sun, though not so hot in the shade. Everyone was in tee-shirts or lightweight things. As we wound our way through the campus on the tram I noticed that there were still huge puddles on the grass from the last downpour we had on Wednesday. I think the ground is pretty saturated !

I was due to come home a little earlier than normal because Pat was babysitting this evening. And at about 5:45 - a MASSIVE storm.

It HOSED down.

So much so that the trams were running through lakes in the city centre ( so the underground power system works even when flooded ! impressive !) and a friend got trapped in a supermarket when a drain burst and filled the whole place with water. The intrepid Bordelais won't let a small thing like a flood stop their shopping. They just waded on through it.

I got to the tram stop just as a tram was due to pull out but a man who was sopping wet in his tee-shirt was holding the door for everyone to get on. Lots of steam. Lots of drips. Lots of laughter.

Bordeaux is just like that. Usually it's either raining or about to rain. And my cotton jacket is neither use nor ornament in the rain.


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