Claudio Monteverdi - Vespers 1610 - Duo serafim

I'm sure that I have posted this to the blog before but I do it again wholeheartedly simply for its beauty. The text is below.

Claudio Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine (1610).

Concerto: Duo Seraphim.

(Tribus vocibus)

Duo Seraphim clarnabant alter ad alterum:
Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth.
Plena est omnis terra gloria eius.
Tres sunt, qui testimonium dant in coelo:
Pater, Verbum et Spiritus Sanctus.
Et hi tres unum sunt.
Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth.
Plena est omnis terra gloria eius.

Concerto: Duo Seraphim.

(For three voices)

The two seraphims cried unto each other:
"Holy is the Lord of Hosts.
The whole earth is full of His glory."
There are three that bear witness in Heaven:
the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit;
and these three are one.
"Holy is the Lord God of Hosts.
The whole earth is full of his glory".


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