The sun shone !

We drove to Blaye through the rain. At one point it was rather like being in a submarine as the spray from the heavy refrigerated lorries enveloped the car.

Anyway we got set up, the service unfolded, a new British couple who live in the Blaye area came for the first time - he phoned me last night - and Samy preached well from Mark 10 - a passage we love from Christianity Explored.

When we went out to the pool for the baptism it was to a lovely blue sky with fluffy Aquitaine clouds - a cloud-free sky is rare - and a beautiful view out over the estuary. The pool was cold, apparently - just about 19° - but OK once you were in. The baptism went well and was followed by a slap-up lunch (organised by Mrs Davey ) The new British couple certainly saw us at our best !

A lovely day and we all went home, as Enid would put it, tired but happy.


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