
I watched a series of programmes on Netflix recently, entitled "Chef", a thriller series based in the kitchen of a very smart restaurant in Pariswhere a young guy on probation is placed to work washing up. The chef has a history of taking on lads like this, his second-in-command coming into the kitchen in just the same way some years before.

As the programme unfolds we see intrigue, family mystery, kitchen duels, addiction, murder and hunting for cèpes. It's a roller-coaster of suspense.

But it's also pretty hilarious, playing on all the French stereotypes.

The chef was adopted by a couple of peasants who live in complete simplicity on a smallholding a couple of hours outside Paris, and it is there, with fresh leeks, pigeons from the woods and fresh mushrooms, that he learnt to appreciate food.

When people taste good food they are transported to other worlds where all their dreams come true.

A mysterious market gardener selects a restaurant to work with his world-famous vegetables.

White truffles eventually cost a man his life.

Great fun!


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