Catrin's concert

As part of their end of year assessments the students on Catrin's Musicologie et Chanson Française, Jazz et Musique Actuelle course have to give a recital. Catrin's was last night, along with her comrades Bérénice and Chloé.

The professor has a kind of arrangement with various bars and little venues in Bordeaux and so we found ourselves in a private club. I know it sounds dodgy, but it wasn't really, it was very tame, and it is apparently one of the well-known small-scale music venues in Bordeaux.

We planned our route with Moovit, which told us to take the 24 bus at 19:25 which would get us to the bar at 20:20. The concert was due to start at 20:30. Catrin, meanwhile, having gone to the beach with some of the students from church, had arranged to meet them at the tram stop at 8:15, so she went on tram B.

Our bus got us to the bar by about 7:45. I don't know how. Maybe we walk much quicker than Moovit allows for. Maybe it was the absence of traffic. Maybe I just read the stupid thing wrong, but anyway we were there. We so chatted with Bérénice's mother and so on.

Eventually everyone was there, the sound check was done and the concert unfolded. Catrin played piano for Bérénice. Catrin and Chloé played the cups for Bérénice. Chloé played guitar for Catrin. All seemed to go off very well.

Afterwards Catrin was ravenously hungry so we tried to go to the fish and chips place, but it was just closing. Not far away was a Thaï place I have heard good things about, and so it was that late in the evening I ate a massive Randeng while Catrin tucked into a Beef Thaï Salad. Others had curries of various hues. Pat, showing immense common sense, just had a dessert. The food was very good, and copious too, but after catching the last tram home I then woke in the wee hours with indigestion.

Serves me right. Party animal.


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