Making a spectacle of yourself - 2

On Thursday I heard on the radio that the Assemblée Nationale had voted in a law to say that regional languages form part of le patrimoine français - French Heritage. The Bretons are very excited about this because it gives a legal status to their language.

Meanwhile Catrin's school has been rediscovering its Occitan roots by learning folk dances and traditional songs for a show they put on last night. It was a typical "Davey evening dash" - the kids got home from school at just after 5 and then Catrin had to be habillée et coiffée (dressed and hair up in a chignon) and at the Salle Royale for 6pm. Well we didn't make it but then neither did lots of other parents. We dumped her unceremoniously then battled our way down a blocked road to wait till our 8pm showing.

Well it was lovely. The girls were all so pretty in matching long skirts, white blouses and shawls with lace ribbons attached to their chignons. The lads were all very handsome in waistcoats and berets. And they sang and danced in Occitan to the accompaniment of hurdy-gurdy and violin.

We were especially pleased because it is the first time the school has done anything like this in our experience. It adds an element of fun and joy to school life and also teaches solidarity and the team ethic much better than a course of lessons can do. Catrin, of course, was the prettiest and stateliest girl there, singing like an angel and dancing like a princess.


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