It's good to make it through that weekend !

A bit helter-skelter, but there we are !

This morning was the inaugural meeting of the English language ministry of the church - at our home and therefore we can't publicise it, but it went OK. We were eight, but because it coincided with the Sunday School picnic then there were at least another five definites and two more possibles, plus some of the anglophone students were away for the weekend, so I guess on a "normal" week we'd be mid-teens. It was a good time and I think probably very helpful for those who don't yet follow in French properly.

Then this afternoon preached on Ephesians 2 : 4 - 7 in French, really on being united to Christ in his death, resurrection and exaltation. I used a silly illustration and it seemed to work well.

Silly illustrations. When I preached through James (I think it was) I became a big fan of Thomas Manton and his silly illustrations. For example he'd say (on giving thanks) "we should be like hens, who eat and look up". It would make me laugh but also stick in the mind and help me remember his point.

Anyway my silly illustration today was that normally when I enter I room I enter head first, then the rest of me follows. It's practical because that way I can see where I am going. Well it's just the same with union with Christ - my (federal) head has gone before me into heaven. The rest of me will follow pretty soon I think !

Of course, Paul is thinking corporately. He does this lovely alternating you-all, all of us, we, you-all but I didn't get into that - you can't say everything all at once.


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