Cynghanedd in French?
There's some lovely things in the French Bible, you know.
I mean things that sound lovely.
for example:
Psalm 2:6
C'est moi qui ai oint mon roi (sé-mwa-kee-é-wã-mõ-rwa) §
Sur Sion, ma montagne sainte!
and from last night's study:
Mark 2:14
En passant, il vit Lévi, fils d'Alphée, assis au bureau des péages.
Il lui dit: Suis-moi. (ee-lwee-dee-swee-mwa)
Lévi se leva, et le suivit. (lé-vee-suh-luh-va-é-luh-swee-vee)
I just think those sentences sound lovely!
§ that isn't the right sound for oint, but my computer won't put a tilde over i
I mean things that sound lovely.
for example:
Psalm 2:6
C'est moi qui ai oint mon roi (sé-mwa-kee-é-wã-mõ-rwa) §
Sur Sion, ma montagne sainte!
and from last night's study:
Mark 2:14
En passant, il vit Lévi, fils d'Alphée, assis au bureau des péages.
Il lui dit: Suis-moi. (ee-lwee-dee-swee-mwa)
Lévi se leva, et le suivit. (lé-vee-suh-luh-va-é-luh-swee-vee)
I just think those sentences sound lovely!
§ that isn't the right sound for oint, but my computer won't put a tilde over i