The Pessac Jazz Band

Last Saturday we went out for a Gala Cabaret-style Concert at the Salle Bellegrave organised by the two Pessac schools of music, the Espace Musical de Pessac and the Ecole de Musique Verthamon Haut-Brion.

The first half consisted of the symphonic orchestra of the two school son music, about 80 pupils in total, playing a selection of light music, as well as the Brasseurs de Vent - my favourite street band - and a group of fifes and drums who played traditional raucous and piercing favourites.

The Pessac Jazz Band played the second half of the concert, with standards like "Fly me to the moon", "As long as I'm singing" and so on. It was a very happy evening and I was glad to see the gang again - fr most of them I have not seen them at all since I stopped going to the group about two or three years ago, all linked to my burnout/depression, when all the music stopped for a while for me.

I'm not going to go back and play in a group like that, for a start rehearsing late on Friday evening was just no good for someone whose weekends are pretty important. But it was great to see them again!


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