Paris attacks

We went to bed early after a few late nights recently, and I woke up to questions on my phone, "What's the latest on Paris?"

Please pray for wisdom for the government, efficiency and insight for the security forces, for defeat for evildoers and for peace for the city of Paris and for all of France.

A Prayer in the Time of War and Tumult:
"O ALMIGHTY God, King of all kings, and Governor of all things, whose power no creature is able to resist, to whom it belongeth justly to punish sinners, and to be merciful to those who truly repent; Save and deliver us, we humbly beseech thee, from the hands of our enemies; abate their pride, assuage their malice, and confound their devices; that we, being armed with thy defence, may be preserved evermore from all perils, to glorify thee, who art the only giver of all victory; through the merits of thy Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." 
The Book of Common Prayer


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