Well, we've finally ordered the wood-burning stove !

High on the agenda is to get the heating and hot water sorted out. The Davey grand plan is to use a wood-burning stove for heating, and overnight cheap electricity for hot water (and we run the washing machine overnight on a timer. Washing machines in France are all cold fill - they heat their own water. Electric showers seem to be unknown in France.)

Anyway, I went, armed with my quote, to Leroy Merlin. I confessed straight away that the quote dated from April, so that threw them into debate. One chap said "So what ? Nothing will have changed. We'll just do it." Another said "We can"t do that, we'll have to start all over again". I feared secretly that the stove may have been discontinued, but thankfully no ! Well, they solved their dilemma by sending me over to the Installation Service Office where I waited a very long time before explaining the problem to a chap who said "Change any prices of parts but keep the same labour charge".

So I went back armed with a note from him and they proceeded to place the order. It was at this point that something happened that I have only just realised was a bit strange in the end. They had to re-enter the parts on the order system and sure enough some of the prices had gone up. However, the system overcompensated for this by giving me a 7% trade discount, to which I was not entitled. So the chappie adjusted the prices until I ended up paying exactly what I would have paid according to the old prices.

Hmmm. Confused ? So were we ! Anyway the stuff is now ordered and I paid my deposit. It won't come before 6 September. When it comes I must go in and pay the difference and draw a map of how to get to our house. Then they'll arrange an installation date.

We must also get a woodshed. Rustic life here we come ! Didn't Jonathan Edwards keep himself in good health by chopping wood ? I imagine it's probably a good anti-stress activity, too.


Alan said…
Incidentally, although I remain unconvinced about global warming, this will make our house very carbon efficient because electricity in France is over 80% nuclear and wood for burning is a renewable energy source - unlike oil, gas or coal which are fossil fuels and therefore very carbon-naughty.
Anonymous said…
J'adore votre stove, c'est vraiment cool!
Anonymous said…
I speak from experience in Austria - the drawback is clearing out the ashes! But a living fire moe than compensates.
Alan said…
Apparently wood ash is very good for the garden if you spread it thinly and evenly on the soil or mix it in your compost heap - and if you want a path in the garden then walk the same path each day and sprinkle the ash where you walk... Eventually you'll have a pretty good garden path.

Campers can use it for washing up without hot water or washing up liquid. It absorbs grease, apparently, and then is easily washed away with cold water.

What ever did we do with wood ash before the internet ?

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