It's a long time since I posted anything from Fieldy

This one's so good it's worth posting in its entirety :

If there were a male Christian politician who'd just been given additional responsibility then we'd probably want to give him some incantations (affirmations with rhythm) in the hope that repeated over and over and over again, day after day after day after day, they might become his heartbeat, the "tune" he can't get out of his head. This sort of thing ...
  • Each minute with my children is worth ten thousand pounds
  • I'd rather cherish (wife's name) than get to Number Ten
  • I'm a servant, I'm a servant and my master is the Lord
  • Jesus is King over all whom I meet
  • Godliness, not business, is the thing makes the difference
  • However hard they try to mould me, I always remain Jesus's man
  • My every word is heard in heaven
  • Honour Jesus, tell the truth, love my family, serve, serve, serve


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