Facebook musings

I have an account on http://www.facebook.com/ . I am always on the verge of chucking it in !

There are good things about it.

1) I have refound some old friends
2) I can see photos of family members at special moments of their lives
3) I can keep in touch with people in a nice, relaxed way
4) Sometimes if email can't get through a Facebook message is useful.

There are some bad things.

1) It could easily take up a lot of time. A lot of time.
2) It has all the usual potential of written and electronic media for misunderstanding and hurt.

There are some things I don't get at all.

1) "Applications" One adds and removes them with lightning speed.
2) "Groups" One joins and leaves at breakneck speed.
3) "Favourites" One's favourites change quick as winking.

On balance the ease of keeping up with people's graduations, with folk who've scattered to the four corners of the globe etc. makes Facebook worthwhile for me - as long as I keep it to quick scans morning and night !


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