"Pile ou face", they cry!

We have been inundated with an e-mail explaining that the French shout "pile ou face"!

It doesn't completely solve the problem because generally there isn't a face on the coins, unless you count Marianne, the personification of freedom, who is not dressed for winter. I guess if she's there she's the face. Otherwise you either agree which is which or argue the toss.

Incidentally I don't know what you think about it, but the blog is a real blessing to us. Someone asked recently if we get much feedback, and we do. Lots! It's like having little chats with your friends now and again, even though they are hundreds or even thousands of miles away.

The cold? Foul. Last night I was up every hour drinking mugs of water. Thank God for clean drinking water! What a blessing! I must have drunk at least a gallon. This morning I felt fresh as a well-watered daisy to begin with but I've only been up half-an-hour and I am struggling already. I do not think I will be in for my grammar test today somehow. Still, thus far my marks are good, I think, and just at the moment I don't much care anyway.


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