Every new experience is a new linguistic adventure

and the troupe de scout is no exception. Let's start with the easy one.

They have a shout, "Yahou". H is silent in French, even the "aspirate h". So it goes ya-ooo. The big difference between the scouts' shout, "yahou", and the fermented milk dessert, "yaourt", is a gurgle in the throat at the end of the yogurt (as any opera singer will tell you).

Now for the fun part. Guess these diseases and note the date when your child was inoculated against each one.

rougeole, rubéole (that one's easy), oreillons (not too bad if you reflect on it), tétanos, diphtérie (more easy ones) and coqueluche (that one for 10 points!)

We cheated in the end and used a dictionary.


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