It's all go, eh?

Last night I had to go and see a film for today's Communication class. The film was called Gentille, and it's a "comedy".

This is, of course, bad news. French comedies are usually utterly inscrutable. I mean I understand them, but it's really not easy to find them funny.

Anyway, I went. There were one or two humourous moments in the film, but overall it was a big "no". I fell asleep in the middle!

And the lecturer agreed. She doesn't like French comedy either. She says it's gone downhill ever since Jacques Tati!

Tonight Francois Weyergans is speaking at Mollat's bookshop about his book Three days at Mum's house, where he describes the agony of a writer trying to describe the agony of a writer he is writing about. We've worked on bits of his books, so I'll go along and see what he has to say for himself.


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