Ministry for what?

Crawled into DEFLE today - had to go in because a team assignment was due in. Mustn't let the lads down!

I took a loo roll for the nose - we have ones with aloe vera. They're good because they help stop your nose getting sore when you have a cold. I took the cardboard out of the middle so it would fit in my bag.


08h30 - Civilisation. Our lecturer was reflecting on the way that French governments can create new ministries. I had been smiling a little because so much of what she said reminded me of things I didn't like about British government. Then she talked about one ministry they had created. She said the name was rather poetic - "Le ministère de la prévention de catastrophes naturelles".

Well, we all fell about laughing.

She said they had announced that some time during the next century there could be an earthquake in Provence.

I had to dry my eyes! It does you good, civilisation!

Then in History we got set an essay to do FOR TOMORROW! "What debt does today's France owe to the revolution and to the empire?" i.e. 1789-1815.

I don't know why I am grumbling. If he'd set it three years ago, I'd still be doing it the day before, anyway!

So not a bad day, really.

Gwilym has started rugby training at school. Pat had a good afternoon with her class. She's much more comfortable in the past than in the future.

Aren't we all!


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