When things come together

1) ‘The degree to which people are self-absorbed is pretty shocking’: Seth Stephens-Davidowitz. in the Guardian

2) Blog posts that begin - the first words: "I have...", "I am...", "I am...", "I was...", "I'm going to...", from the front page of a popular Christian blog.

3) Contemporary Christian Culture with its big conferences where guys are up talking about big stuff.

4) I read recently that sanctification consists largely in thinking of oneself less. 

5) C S Lewis famously said that humility is not thinking less of yourself so much as thinking of yourself less.

6) B J Thompson (who's he?) recently said "the most obvious sign of pride isn't boasting, it's lack of prayer."

7) Jason Meyer : The Bible’s answer to our fallen self-obsession is a great work of grace in the gospel that creates a worshipful obsession with God. Pride is defeated decisively at conversion, progressively in sanctification, and totally at glorification — where we experience ever-increasing, everlasting, white-hot worship of God. The day is coming when God alone will be exalted. It will be the worst day for unbelievers and the happiest day for all Christians.

The more I fall in love with Him the less I am in love with me!


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