Taxe d'Habitation from 2018

Here's a turn-up for the books.

At present in France the amount we are paid is below the threshold where a four-person family pays income tax.

When we lived in our own house in Passaic Alouette we were liable for two other taxes.
Taxe Foncière is paid by people who own property and is based on the value of your home.
Taxe d'Habitation is paid by people who occupy property.

Since we no longer own our own home we are no longer liable for Taxe Foncière, so we just pay Taxe d'Habitation.

Now one of M. Macron's election pledges was that he would abolish axe d'habitation for 80% of French people. He plans to do this by introducing a threshold below which you do not pay it. We fall below that threshold.

This means that if M. Macron's plan goes ahead, from 2018 (probably from 2019, because you usually pax this year the tax on last year) we won't pay any direct tax in France, only indirect taxes like VAT, etc.

Further details turned up at lunchtime - the plan would be implemented in three stages, so there'd be a reduction of a third next year, two-thirds the year after and total exoneration the following year.


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