Am I sleepwalking, perhaps?

We have these wristband gizmos that do all kinds of things.

If you're indoors and can swivel your arm at the right speed or poke a receptor successfully it'll tell you the time.

Not only that, but coupled with an application on your phone it will tell you how many steps you've taken, how far you've walked or run, your average stride, the distance travelled, your maximum heart rate while exercising and your heart rate at any given moment. It's wonderful. If you wear the thing overnight it'll even detect when you fall asleep and when you wake up and tell you how long you spent in deep sleep.

Every now and agin they update the software on the phone and on he wrist band.

Lats time I went to the UK, because I'd be spending all day sat in a conference and travelling lots by underworld railway and bus and stuff I left the thing at home. When I cam back I charged it up, updated the software and since then it's gone nuts.

Apparently I don't do deep sleep any more. In fact I hardly sleep at all. Instead, overnight, I trot about doing something in the order of 1 to 2 kilometres.

I asked Patricia if I sleepwalk. She's fairly convinced that I don't.

Well I have no other explanation except that the thing has gone wrong.
Still works for my morning runs, though.


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