Some scenes of Bordeaux
The first is simply of people waiting at the tram stop at Victoire.
The second is a typical Bordeaux thing that amazes me. A really nice stone arch that is just falling to pieces. You see lovely stone buildings that are just crumbling.
The third also amazed me. 4ème Cripple Creek Western Festival, à St Médard en Jalles. OK. Bon.
The fourth is a common sight. An advert. It goes "Bon CV, mais do you speak English? Yes, I speak English. Wall Street English!" Wall Street English is a language school in Bordeaux where, presumably, people are taught to speak like American financiers.
I had this idea of starting a rival English school called "The Queen's English". (Oh yes she is!) The poster would have George Bush and Her Maj on it, and she would be saying "Don't speak like him! Speak like me, with The Queen's English".
Seriously, I love the photos. I know they can't capture it all, but it gives us a good sense of where you are.
Another joyously named Pizzeria is called "Boulevard Pizz'". Is that meant to rhyme with fizz, or with feets?