Hi ! I'm back !

Firstly Sunday went well. There were new faces in the morning service. Catrin played well - for the first time, I think, as sole accompanist. There was useful feedback from the message. It was a good time. However ministry is never simple and there were also the kinds of reactions that are hard to work through.
So when Monday came I was more than usually tired and more than usually discouraged. I didn't write my resignation letter, but I made plans and rehearsed various conversations !
This week was the FAC Student Ministry week of prayer, but I also had various meetings arranged with different folk. This means I have been away from my study and my PC more than usual.
One chap is meeting up with me to work through John 3 using Peter Jeffrey's little book, "From Religion to Christ". This book doesn't exist in French, but my friend reads a little English so we get by.
Another is a student and we meet up to read and pray together. He's a good lad and future elder material.
Another is one of our teenagers who is giving his testimony on Sunday, so we met up to talk that through and to pray about that.
Another is a fellow missionary who is currently doing his studies in French so we're meeting up to walk the city a little and to pray about his future. This week we were in the Chartrons area.
Hence the photos.
Over the week my spirits have changed - I have recovered my ... determination. A busy week, but I have a better kind of tiredness now than I did on Monday !