Nixon In China (Opera): Act I Scene 1 - News

This is for Ken.


Anonymous said…
Now all we need is Grand Pianola music! Really appreciate the John Adams clips - I've loads of his CDs thanks to you, Alan. A short ride in a fast machine is his most popular orchestral piece apparently.
Anonymous said…
Hmm, yes, well.... Pleze cun I ave me higorance back?

Thanks anyway Alan, you did TRY to edgyercate me...... (Goes offstage through the wings looking bemused.)
Anonymous said…
Alan, you watch some wierd stuff. By the way, since when did Air Force 1 have VTOL capability?
Alan said…
since they stopped putting runways in theatres, I think !

isn't weird, like beauty, in the eye of the beholder ?
Anonymous said…
Not always!

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