An interesting article from the Telegraph on Science and Faith

Of course, it is ridiculous to oppose science and faith, because scientists need faith to believe that they can observe reality and make objective observations about it that will be repeatable and verifiable - that the universe is rational and trustworthy.

But people are very arrogant, aren't we. We persist in thinking that the views we hold now are true and the truth. Even those who deny the existence of truth, deny it dogmatically, as if their denial were obviously true !

That is why I think we need much more humility in the study of the Bible (which is true) and in the study of the creation. We don't yet understand everything.

Scientists are prone to think that they have discovered the truth about the world, but later discoveries modify or even negate what they said.

Theologians refine their understanding of the Bible and sometimes find that Scripture is much more nuanced than they first thought.

That's why when people ask me when I think the world was created I say "I don't know, but I don't think it was 4004BC, and I don't think it was billions of years ago either !"

And I certainly don't think that man descended from ape-like-creatures via natural selection by the untimely death of the weaker.


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