
 I've been neglecting you. I'm sorry.

Part of it is the build-up to Christmas. This year we hope to sing at the Christmas Market as well as to hold a traditional Carol Service and a children's Christmas club.

Then there's the political situation, wherein, according to the French media, the United Kingdom is in chaos, with shortages in the shops, rising cases of covid and a prime minister who becomes unusually incoherent in the face of big business, while in the British media France is in chaos, with riots in the streets, soaring cases of covid and a president like a Greek god who exceeds Napoleon in his ambitions for Europe.

Discussions with family and friends in the UK suggest that both pictures are caricatures at best.

Meanwhile there is the current covid scene in France to deal with. At present cases are rising but hospitalisations are not. Booster jabs are being rolled out and Pat and I will be due for a jab from 1 December, though this may change today as the government committee meets. Otherwise things continue the same. We can meet masked, but cafés and restaurants do not require masks as long as the pass sanitaire is verified. 

We attended a concert of the choir we used to sing with last Friday, and there too the pass sanitaire allowed performers and audience to dispense with the mask, though we kept ours on in the crowded Pessac church.

Meanwhile much of our life is same old same old, and thankfully so.


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