Ee I am vexed

I feel ill-disposed towards my doctor just now. If she were here right now I'd be sorely tempted to give her a good slap.

The thing is, she's decided that it's her responsibility to keep me alive and in the best health possible for as long as she can. Which this week meant anti-pneumonia vaccinations. Two. One in each arm.

There's a nurses' surgery right opposite our pharmacy so on Wednesday when I picked up my anti-histamines I popped in to make an appointment. Thursday at 4. I knew the pharmacy had the vaccines in stock so all I had to was pop in the pharmacy first, get myself well-stabbed and voilĂ , it's all sorted. Ha! Poor ignorant sap!

So at 15:40 precisely I left the house. At approximately 15:48 I arrived at the pharmacy and said, "Could I have the vaccines, please?" 

Well, this being France, I said, "Good day, it's for the vaccines."

"Good day. Do you have an appointment with the nurse?"

"Yes. At 16 hours."

"OK, so will you being going home first?"

"Um, no, it's right opposite."

"Silly me, I didn't realise it was 16 hours."

We laughed, I picked up the vaccines and skipped off to see the nurse. After a few minutes he arrived on his motorcycle.

"Have I seen you before?" he said.

"I don't know. Last year a nurse here took out my stitches after an operation. He was on a motorcycle, too, but I don't think it was you."

"No, that was my colleague."

An injection in each arm. I wasn't sure it was necessary for the nurse to show me the length of the needle before driving it into my upper arm, but there we are. 

I went home and that was that.


Friday morning I had a meeting with two of our likely lads to plan a day of evangelism. We met in a new-to-me coffee shop. It is adorable! Good coffee and a sublime terrace with little tables under the trees - the essence of France, but in the wrong place. It's way up by the fire station where I never ever go! Pity.

Afterwards we met some of the other for lunch in our friend Grace's café near the church. They had a special menu on with really good burgers. Some others were going to join us afterwards for a coffee, but Grace's place was really full with huge queues, so we went to our third coffee shop fo the day!

And that's when it started. We were sat drinking our iced coffee when I realised I had sweat trickling down the back of my neck. I felt OK, but I was sweating profusely, so much so that I decided to high-tail it home. The cool tram helped and it was not crowded. I had a early night and slept better than usual.

Notwithstanding all this rest today, Saturday, I have felt absolutely exhausted all day. We had folk round for lunch, but after lunch I sneaked away and eventually went to bed.

Pat looked up possible reactions to pneumonia vaccinations on the interweb. "Fatigue, sweats, muscle pains, aching joints, 'flu like symptoms".

Rotten doctor! I bet I wouldn't even have got pneumonia anyway! 


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