An interesting looking book

on the historicity of the New Testament.

Just out of interest, when one writes "a historical" one says "er historical"

When one writes "an historical" does one say "an 'istorical" or "an historical"? The former sounds odd, the latter clumsy.

I know this is virtually an 'eretical hopinion nowadays, but I think it is far simpler to keep it as "a historical".

Ken'll answer this one, I am sure!


Anonymous said…
Dead right mate, 'an historical' is kwite simpul ter sA iff yer wus dragged oop proppa.

Of course, now that you abide 'trans Manche' you can get away without any aitches at all. Personally, I find 'a historical' clumsy, but then I have on (admittedly very rare) occasions, actually been accused of clumsiness. The sheer impertinence!

Just to show how deep rooted poor grammar has become, when I come to post this reply, I find that the word verification for comment posting is 'iduaas'. Can't they even get the word 'ideas' right? 'iduaas' is not a word, it's a series of letters. With that I shall beat a hasty retreat.
Anonymous said…
Alan, follow your own link (above) and scroll down to his comments. You'll enjoy the journey!
Alan said…
VietTaff? VietTaff?

Kenneth, sometimes your creativity astounds me. Sometimes it's other things about you that astound me!
Anonymous said…
Alan, on a more serious level, should you want good Christian books in electronic form, follow this link and you will find a list of literature which will take you nearly as long as a book to read, based on the Libronix system. They are adding about a book a day to their publishing list. Sadly, from my viewpoint, nearly everything is written in American English. However, I believe that you do first need to have the Libronix system.
Unfortunately, it has not shown as a 'link' so you would need to copy and paste it into your browser.
The following 'none-link' will send you to a reliable bookseller and electronic works supplier. It is, of course, quite likely that you may already know of both of them, but, if not, you, and if you choose to publish this comment, your readers now will. They do have some stuff that we may not want, but they are both Christian publishing/distribution houses.
I have also just discovered that if the comment is not expanded into a full page, the complete web address for Sunrise may not show.
Alan said…
Yes. A couple of things particularly stand out to me. Word Biblical Commentary series is generally highly regarded with some gems. Boice Expositional Commentaries grew out of his preaching. I think commentaries like that are amongst the most useful. And the Essential IVP Reference Collection looks really good value.
Anonymous said…
By the way, both Nelsons and Wesley Owen/Sunrise will supply the N.I.V. - at a price - but those of us this side of the pond need to specify "The Anglicised N.I.V." in order to avoid getting it in American. I don't believe it comes in this format as standard in any collection.

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