
So have we had a week!

Our daughter, Catrin, has been pregnant for some time, expecting a little girl in mid-October. Once your estimated due date arrives  you go to the maternity unit every two days to be assessed. If all is well they send you home to continue the long wait. If necessary they will intervene to bring the pregnancy to a happy conclusion. Thus it was that every two days we have been on tenterhooks for some little while.

On Thursday they decided enough was enough, and that Catrin would stay in hospital until the baby was delivered. This was followed by gentle induction of labour (déclenchement in French), then less gentle induction, then finally a caesarian section yesterday afternoon.

And so Dorothea Anwen has entered the world. We're very proud of everyone - Catrin, Théa and Froim dealt with the whole process with enviable sang-froid, coping admirably with every medical decision and every change of plan. I was amazed - and I don't amaze easily. I regularly take in my stride things that fill others with amazement, like cookies, smoothies and salads. But these few days, this family has amazed me.

Dorothea Anwen is unusually beautiful, and seems to be taking a keen interest in the world around her. She seems tall (long?) for a newborn, and judging by her approach to life so far, I'm excited to see what this girl will become. Watch this space.

In other news it is now school vacation time, so our little café is closed. We'll enjoy some more free time than usual. Guess how we'll spend it? 


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