
We downloaded and activited our StopCovid apps on our phones a while ago. I forget what date it became available but as good citizens we got it straight away. So far 14 people in France have been alerted that they have been in close contact for 15 minutes or more with someone who has tested positive to covid-19. I am hoping that means the app works well and the virus is rare.

Meanwhile Bordeaux has been doing free screening for people who are especially vulnerable. Today is the last day they'll be doing this, and we understood that we could be screened too if we went to Place Meunier. However this would entail queuing up in 31°C under a cloudless sky to have an extra long cotton bud stuffed up your nose, so we reluctantly decided to forego it. Anyway in all the screening nobody at all has tested positive.

Regarding the churches we are feeling a little frustrated, but also ... resigned?

Cinemas and concert halls can now open. People must be masked while taking their seats. People or groups of people must be separated by one empty seat. Otherwise all is fine.

However churches must allow 4 square metres per person, congregants must be masked at all times, one way systems must be devised to stop people's paths crossing and all surfaces must be disinfected before people arrive.

To be fair to the government, churches have generated a number of clusters of infection, from ordinary Sunday meetings to a cluster originating from a funeral.

I suspect that one big difference is singing. When you sing you breathe more deeply and exhale more strongly so droplet infection is more likely.

Incidentally, it's la covid-19 and le coronavirus. The Académie made a ruling on it.


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