Acts29 evaluation conference

took place at Lagny church, locally pronounced by French people as if spelt Langy in English, to my great surprise.

We travelled up by TGV, getting to the station in good time, having a nice drink in a café, being charged "eleven" proudly in English for two 3,50€ drinks by the waiter. And because we had plenty of time we ended up rushing to get our train!

We were lodged with a charming international family and enjoyed seeing these 1970s Paris satellite towns. Milton Keynes à la française? The evaluation conference was intensive and tiring and the weather suddenly became glorious and hot, so when it was time to come home we were glad of a chance to rest before our train, and then to be able to doze on the train.

Sat opposite us were Paul, 1 year old, and his father. They were a most charming couple. Paul was happy and very sociable and his father was patient, gentle and attentive. We were charmed by them both.

Back in Bordeaux it had rained, it was not raining but it would rain. There was no train from Bordeaux to Pessac till the next morning, so we hopped on our buses, 9 then 4, to regain our waiting flat.

Home, sweet home!


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